Aadujeevitham Review

Introduction to “Aadujeevitham” (Goat Days) Review

“Aadujeevitham” which literally translates to “Goat Days” is a delicately formed Malayalam novel penned down by Benyamin and published in the year 2008. The novel is inspired from the true incidents and it is a heart-stirring tale of survival and one’s spirit to survive against all the odds.

It narrates the grim life of Najeeb, a migrant worker from Keralite origin, who goes Saudi Arabia in search of a better life and being a victim of unfair employment practices, he faces a life worse than a living hell.

Najeeb’s detailed characterization of the protagonist who has to provide with water for the goats in the expansive and drudger Saudi Arabia consequently, shed light to the level of exploitation and squalor faced by migrants.

The realism of characters and action combined with focus on Najeeb’s emotional state contributes to the understanding of Benyamin’s storytelling and helps readers overcome racial prejudices and look at the problem from different perspectives. ”Aadujeevitham” is way more than a story of one man endurance; it is a complex story that portrays the issues facing the society in regard to human rights, dignity of the people and the relationship between hope and survival.

Plot Summary

The happenings or incidents that form the plot of the novel revolves round a Keralite migrant worker Najeeb who goes to Saudi Arabia in the pretext of searching a job. Though, he doesn’t achieve this dream because shortly he is forced to become a goat herder in hot and merciless deserts of Saudi Arabia. Lacking the most fundamental rights as a person and living in rather squalid surroundings, Najeeb suffers a great deal both physically and psychologically. He cannot communicate with any human being and the only animals he interacts with are goats he has to care for; the hope to run away disappears deep in his mind.


Survival and Endurance: The essence of “Aadujeevitham” is in the protagonist Najeeb’s soaring desire to live in a world that deprives one of human dignity. His survival focus and desire to exist constitute the framework on which the story is built.

Isolation and Despair: The level of alienation portrayed in the novel is brilliantly depicted especially in how Najeeb feels. Being deprived of communication and subjected to dramatic isolation, he relies on dreams of relatives and his native country for comfort.

Human Rights and Exploitation: Minus the aesthetics, “Aadujeevitham” reveals the plight of the migrant workers, an issue that is still very much relevant in today’s society. Ever since its release, viewers have related to Najeeb’s experience as so many others remain unheard and stuck in the same circumstances.

Hope and Freedom: Nevertheless, one should note that the novel has an optimistic tone as its major theme concealed under the veil of despair. Najeeb still remains hopeful for liberty and a better life irrespective of the severity of his conditions.

Character Analysis

Najeeb: Najeeb’s character that is the protagonist of the novel gives an epitome of strong human spirit. The character development of the man from a hopeful immigrant to a tough survivalist is described in quite realistic detail.

The Employer: Presenting the side of the society that takes the advantages of the immigrants and the plight of migrants, the employer character stands opposite to Najeeb, who is quite innocent and helpless. He embodies the savagery and the coldness that so often is experienced by multiple people in similar circumstances.

Hakeem: Another migrant worker , Hakeem who changes his employer in between the dramas becomes friend and intimate to Najeeb. They express the suffering and fraternity of the oppressed which are evident in their relationship.

Writing Style

Benyamin has a delicate yet forceful way of writing in the narrative “Aadujeevitham. ” In his descriptive mode of writing, Kamala paints a picture of the desert and the predicament of Najeeb’s life. The plot is engaging, and readers are placed closely to Najeeb’s experience, which brings out pain, despair and hope. This proves that the complex topics can be presented in extremely simple words and the language being sophisticated makes the reader penetrate in a rather deep emotional sense.


Thus, “Aadujeevitham” has received both critical and readers acclaim as an excellent piece of narration as well as socially responsive literature. The novel has been translated into many languages and has bagged many awards one of them being ‘Kerala Sahitya Akademi Award’. Its adoption as a film, directed by Blessy, with Prithviraj Sukumaran, as the male lead has also helped build a lot of expectation.


“Aadujeevitham” is not just an elocution, but the narration of one man’s survival and a real account of the treatment of the laborers. It remains the best of Benyamin’s works as well as an outstanding story; therefore, it should be recommended to any lovers of modern literature and human rights activists. All in all, the issues associated with survival, hope, and perseverance are unforgettable which makes them meaningful for the readers.

If one would like to get more information on “Aadujeevitham,” one can read the novel or more reviews could be accessed on internet.

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